Individual Therapy

302398244It’s time for some YOU time.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an appointment on your weekly calendar that solely focuses on your needs, growth, goals, and future?

Life is full of appointments and obligations for everyone else, making it challenging to carve out time for yourself. It’s time to change that way of thinking.

Putting yourself as a high priority allows you to be present and available more meaningfully for everyone and everything else in your life.

Time with an individual therapist is time well spent.

How can individual therapy help?

Individual therapy can help you shift your priorities, especially when trauma is part of your story.

During this time, the focus is on your own needs. Healing is crucial so you can live a life that makes you proud, be the person you’ve always wanted to be, and have the relationships you’ve always desired.

In individual therapy, you will have a therapist eager to hear your story, give feedback, and implement cutting-edge, evidence-based treatments for trauma. Therapy will FINALLY allow you to break the chains of past trauma. You can even break generational trauma!

You will explore strategies and tools that will help you in your everyday functioning and learn to do things differently from the past, allowing you to have a fruitful and bright future. But most importantly, in individual therapy, you will explore what it means to truly love and accept yourself for who you are.

2303481619Our goal is total healing for you.

We will integrate all the parts of you to create holistic wellness.

You will become attuned to your thoughts, emotions, drives, and body and learn to listen and accept every part of what makes you – YOU.

Please don’t wait another minute to commit to healing and creating a brighter future.

Contact me today for a free 15-minute consultation to start on the next step in your journey!